
Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to Give Love Unconditionally

There is a "Spirit of love" hidden deep within the hearts of humanity that is destined to be released unconditionally and without partiality.  Can’t you just feel it?  Yes, we have so much love to give and we’d like to give it out—but many times in the midst of it all we may feel that it won’t be reciprocated back to us.  So then…what do we do about it?  Do we hold on to it selfishly and refuse to give it unless it’s given back to us at full measure?  Or, do we say that we love and at times kind of show it through our emotions and feelings?   That would mean knowing the different types of love…wouldn’t it?  Or, being able to express whatever kind of love that we think would be considered unconditional?    
So many questions and just who has the right answers when it comes to unconditional love?  Well, the only logical and reasonable answer to that question would be to go directly to the source of that so called, “unconditional love.”  He is the Abba Father and creator of all things.  The scripture says, that “God is love and that love is of God.”

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God and everyone that loves is born of God, and knows God.  He that loves not knows not God: for God is love.”  I John: 4: 7-8
Yes, unconditional love can be given freely to all people and that love covers a multitude of sin, cast out fear which causes torment; and can also heal the brokenhearted.   That kind of love is given freely to all mankind through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Machiach). 

Once we come to know and accept his salvation through the repentance of our sins that agape love now covers all and is shed abroad in our hearts.  What a breakthrough revelation the “Spirit of love” that dwells deep within our hearts can be freely given if and whenever we choose to give it!  I challenge everyone to reach out and express that love right now. 
Show some compassion reach out right now and help someone in need, forgive that person you’ve been holding a grudge against for some time now.   Forgive yourself for harboring evil thoughts against your neighbors and reach out to embrace your children, your friends and beloved.  Above all things stop the hate and malice you may have against another person because of the color of his or her skin.  Rejoice with them that rejoice and weep with them who weep.  

Spread unconditional love to everyone that you come in contact with and remember that you have the power to change the world!  Think about it!  Shalom. #
-Devon Wilford-Said
© April 2012 All Rights Reserved

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