
Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Foundation Scripture:
“You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit; and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you, these things I command you that you love one another.”  --John: 15: 16-17 


Thus says, the Spirit of the LORD GOD Almighty, the One who is; and who was and who is to come.
I AM the LORD, that has chosen you, and you have not chosen me. I have ordained you and have commanded you, that you love one another, as I have given you commandment.
I shall rejoice over you with singing, I will adorn you with My grace and perfection. You are my jewels and precious stones, which are lively and illuminated with my love.
Rejoice, O’ sons and daughters of Zion; for I shall give you the desires of your heart. Take joy in me and rejoice! For I AM the LORD GOD, who loves you!
You are my chosen, and I shall bring you forth as my delight. For it is my will to perfect you, that which I have called, chosen, and have given my glory to shine amongst the people.
Keep my commandments and abide in my love, let my joy remain in you, that your joy may be full. The light of my love is shining upon you. Take joy; and be you strong and perfected in me:
For the time is at hand whereby the world will know you, because of my love and marvel at the GOD of your Salvation. They will envy you, and wonder at your beauty!
My light of glory shall radiate the love and joy that I have imparted into you: O’ my beloved sons, and daughters, and friends, says the LORD!
You shall possess all things that have been hidden from you and stolen from you. I shall increase you daily with my favor, and blessings from on high shall overtake you as you remain steadfast in my love; and with the fire of love that burns within you, says the Spirit of the Living GOD.
Shalom-Peace. ###

Spoken by the Holy Spirit through,

--Min. Devon Wilford-Said
Prophetic Teacher Scribe/Exhorter

© Revised: June-2021