
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


A Word Spoken In Season
By the Holy Spirit through Min. Devon Wilford-Said 
In Response to Prayer

Peace like a river and of the water brooks!
Listen to the stillness of the Lord’s presence
Hear Him in the midst listen and let your soul live
To declare the goodness of the Lord.
Listen that’s it in the quietness there is peace
Be still and know that He is God.  And lo’ Here am I.
 Listen.  Ah, do you feel me?  Do you know how much I love you?   
“Yes, I do.” But do you know how much I love you?
I love you more than time—the time of your existence
I love you more than you’ll ever know because I give unto you my eternity.
Yes I give unto you the eternal I give unto you my Word.
And give unto you my best my Son who is righteousness and judgment
Who is grace and truth I give unto you the power of my Holy Spirit
I give unto you great things that you know not. 
I give unto you the abundance of all things that you need
To survive while in the earth
I give unto you knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
I give unto you the joy of heart and my peace
I give unto you all that your heart may desire
And more--shh---shh and listen!
Do you hear what’s in the silence of quietness?  Listen and hear—
Do you hear what the Spirit is saying to you the Church?
Listen and hear—do you hear the sound of rain and the latter rain of blessings?
Listen.  Do you hear the sound of the shofar blowing in the distance?
And the Angels of the Lord chasing away your enemies
Listen and hear...
Do you hear the sound of victory over all your circumstances
And a weight of glory lifting you out of your despair
Listen. Do you hear my thoughts of you?
How I have purposed you to be here from the foundation of the world to
Perform my will in the earth as a living testament of my sovereignty and counsel?
Listen and hear.  Do you hear the favor that has been given you that men shall pour
Into your bosom with good measure pressed down,
Shaken together and running over?
Listen. Do you hear the prosperity of my servants who shall be rewarded
As you shall be rewarded for your faithfulness
And due diligence to serve me in spite of?
Listen yes, do you hear? 
Do you hear the sound of sweet success from everything
That you shall find your hands to do?
Yes O’ Daughter of Zion hear and listen!
For I the Lord your God have heard your cries
I have stored all of your tears in a bottle with your name on it
And Lo’ I shall give you a new name!
Listen and hear and know that your God is righteous and just.
He is merciful and kind and He loves unconditionally.
Listen and hear and speak words of faith.
Stand on my Word!  Live peacefully with all men.
Rebuke them who dare to set up snares against you and your family.
Bring low the proud and stand up against your enemies with boldness.
You do not have to fight this battle--yes this battle is not yours but the Lord’s!
Therefore stand you still and see the salvation of your Great God
Who is in the midst of you and your enemies.  It is He who shall fight for you.
Listen and hear the sound of the trumpet as it blows and the wrath of God,
Shall fall upon the heads of the wicked and the oppressor
Listen and hear.  For I have set up strategies in the high places
For you and my servants who shall fight the good fight of faith!
Listen and hear.  The words that I speak unto you which are Spirit and Life.
You are the authority in the earth I have given you My Body and Remnant,
My Called and Chosen, My Faithful and Beloved,
My Heirs of Salvation and Kings and Priests the dominion to possess the land.
 Listen and hear.  It is your time to perform that which I please. 
It is your time to inherit all good things.
It is your time to possess the abundance of the land. 
As it is in heaven so shall it be upon the earth.
Listen and hear the sound of victory as you wait for my coming! 
Listen and hear signs and wonders following my Word.
Listen and hear the captives being set free and devils cast out.
Listen and hear the faithful "Remnant the Body of Christ"
 As they rise above their circumstances,
And walk in victory in every area of their lives.
Listen and hear that I Am the Lord your God and besides me there is no other god.
Listen and hear that I AM your God and you are My People,
And I shall be with you always—even until the end. 
Selah and Amen... #

Friday, August 10, 2012


It would be so nice if I could actually get some more LIKES on my FB Author's Page and more visitor hits to my Author's website at:!  And it wouldn't hurt for either for more purchases and reviews of my two self-published books as well!  Yes, they still can be purchased at the Xlibris Corporation online , or at most local Barnes and Noble bookstores , or 
You know—at times it can be rather challenging for struggling writers/authors to become successful.  But I dare not give up hope; which is my expectancy for things to come.  In the Word of God it tells us that, “All things are possible to them that believe,” therefore if I can continue to believe His Word for the impossible... The Lord shall make all things possible because nothing is impossible with Him! 
Now as my faith is, and in the Name of Jesus Christ the "Anointed One" of God, I speak increase and divine favor on my behalf for the successful marketing of my books with increased sales and royalties for more than enough.  And that a portion of the proceeds shall be used to perfect the mission for Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc.   
Lord, I pray also on the behalf of all struggling writers and authors needing an increase in sales for their books that you shall provide and supply all their needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name I pray, Amen and let it be so!  #

--Devon Wilford-Said
August’ 2012