
Thursday, March 14, 2024

 "Crowns and Rewards"

Prepared by 

Min. Devon Wilford-Said, Prophetic Teacher/Scribe

Hallelujah Praise Prophetic End-time Ministry

Exceeding Great Reward

“After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, “Fear not, Abram. I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward.” Genesis 15: 1

A Recompense for Reward

·         Crown of Life  [James 1: 12; Revelation 2: 10]

·         Incorruptible Crown  [Matthew 6: 19; I Peter 1: 4]

·         Crown of Righteousness  [2 Timothy 4: 8]

·         Crown of Glory [I Peter 5: 4]

·         Crown of Rejoicing  [I Thessalonians 2”: 19] 

14 Rewards Promised in the Bible

Revelation 22:12 – “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”

1. For saving faith

Reward: God Himself (Genesis 15:1)

2. For keeping God’s statutes

Reward: a great reward (Psalm 19:21)

3. For conducting ourselves well

Reward:  an unnamed reward (Psalm 62:12Jeremiah 17:32Matthew 16:27Revelation 22:12)

4. For sowing righteousness

Reward: a sure reward (Proverbs 11:18)

5. For being kind to the poor

Reward:  an unnamed reward (Proverbs 19:17Proverbs 25:22 )

6. For being persecuted because of Him

Reward: a great reward (Matthew 5:12Matthew 6:1Matthew 6:5

7. For welcoming true prophets or righteous men

Reward: an unnamed reward (Matthew 10:41)

8. For doing acts of righteousness for the praise of God rather than men

Reward: an unnamed reward (Matthew 6:1)

9. For loving your enemies, lending to and doing good to them without expectation

Reward: a great reward (Luke 6:35)

10. For actions found to be of good quality in God’s sight

Reward:  an unnamed reward (1 Corinthians 3:81 Corinthians 12-15)

11. For doing good wholeheartedly

Reward: an unnamed reward (Colossians 3:23)

12. For standing your ground during persecution and suffering with confident perseverance

Reward: an unnamed reward (Hebrews 10:32-39)

13. For choosing to suffer mistreatment for God’s sake 

Reward: an unnamed reward (Hebrews 11:6)

14. For faithfully continuing in the teaching of Christ

Reward: rewarded fully (2 John 8-9)

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

“In the Realm of the Spirit He Shall Speak”


Journal Entry #253

A Prophetic Utterance Spoken through

Min. Devon Wilford-Said

Prophetic TeacherScribe/Exhorter

O’ Daughter and greatly beloved! It is now that I shall speak unto you: It is now that I shall utter my voice. It is now that I shall whisper into your ear the sweet words of wisdom that drop down from heaven into your heart.

Hear O’ daughter my beloved; hear the Word of the LORD! For it is unto you that I shall I speak. Hear the Word of the LORD, “My Chosen Diadem!” Hear the Word of the LORD and write what I will say unto you; and my people.

O’ Daughter and greatly beloved this is a season of rejoicing in the realm of the Spirit where my Word shall drop down like honeydew and fall as the latter rain upon the earth. For I shall utter dark sayings and hidden treasures from the mystery of the unknown realms of space and time.

Soon my beloved…soon all things shall be set aright. My favor and love shall be with you my Chosen; and yes, you shall inherit the earth as I have said.

Yes, says the LORD—my people, and my chosen shall soon be set free to reign with their Savior and King—Stand still to know that the LORD their GOD is with them and when the sudden darkness has passed they shall stand in the light of my countenance, and shine like lights.  You shall be changed in a moment and be glorified as your Father is in Heaven.

Rejoice O’ Daughter and take joy for I have chosen you—and my people who walk by faith and not by sight and who walk upright as trees of righteousness to stand within the gates victoriously. You shall shout unto the Lord your God in triumph and the LORD shall preserve you—and you shall forever be with the LORD your King!

Shout! Shout! Shout for joy! O’ people and praise your God for praise is comely: worship me in the beauty of holiness and bow down before the LORD your maker. For you shall be rewarded for your faithfulness and crowned with my glory, says the LORD.

Rejoice in the LORD your God and be glad. For He shall bring it to pass. I love you my children; my servants; my friends; my prophets; my faithful ones; my church; and my Bride, the Bride of Christ. I love you with perfect love.

Rejoice and again, I say rejoice for I AM the LORD that makes all things new. You shall be clothed in robes of righteousness white and pure. You shall be crowned with glory and reign with the LORD in His kingdom forever and ever, says the LORD.

Obey my Word and wait patiently for you shall inherit the promises of my servant Abraham, the Father of all Nations.

Rejoice, O children of faith; and be glad for I AM with you always and I shall keep you in my perfect peace until I come to receive you unto myself.

I love you, O’ Bride, I love you, O’ Daughter of Zion. I love you, my people; and I shall take care of you, and you shall be my people forever! 


Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Foundation Scripture:
“You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit; and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you, these things I command you that you love one another.”  --John: 15: 16-17 


Thus says, the Spirit of the LORD GOD Almighty, the One who is; and who was and who is to come.
I AM the LORD, that has chosen you, and you have not chosen me. I have ordained you and have commanded you, that you love one another, as I have given you commandment.
I shall rejoice over you with singing, I will adorn you with My grace and perfection. You are my jewels and precious stones, which are lively and illuminated with my love.
Rejoice, O’ sons and daughters of Zion; for I shall give you the desires of your heart. Take joy in me and rejoice! For I AM the LORD GOD, who loves you!
You are my chosen, and I shall bring you forth as my delight. For it is my will to perfect you, that which I have called, chosen, and have given my glory to shine amongst the people.
Keep my commandments and abide in my love, let my joy remain in you, that your joy may be full. The light of my love is shining upon you. Take joy; and be you strong and perfected in me:
For the time is at hand whereby the world will know you, because of my love and marvel at the GOD of your Salvation. They will envy you, and wonder at your beauty!
My light of glory shall radiate the love and joy that I have imparted into you: O’ my beloved sons, and daughters, and friends, says the LORD!
You shall possess all things that have been hidden from you and stolen from you. I shall increase you daily with my favor, and blessings from on high shall overtake you as you remain steadfast in my love; and with the fire of love that burns within you, says the Spirit of the Living GOD.
Shalom-Peace. ###

Spoken by the Holy Spirit through,

--Min. Devon Wilford-Said
Prophetic Teacher Scribe/Exhorter

© Revised: June-2021

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"Under His Feet"


I will remain humble before Him
For all things are put under His feet
How sweet are His feet!
How beautiful are His feet; I love His feet
His feet are precious; His feet are sweet
I abase and humble myself under His feet
I love His feet; His feet are glorious and lovely
Hallelujah for your feet are so sweet;
Your feet O’ my GOD—I just want to be there
To be there and right next to you
Yes, I shall be always under your feet
Always let me stay under your feet
So that I may anoint, and kiss them forever—

© 2018-21 All Rights Reserved DWS

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Quiet Time Meditation and Spiritual Journal Series

Prophetic Utterance: 
Spoken through Min. Devon Wilford-Said by the Holy Spirit

Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Time:  7:40 AM

Directed To: Min. Devon Wilford-Said, Founder Prophetic Teacher Biblical Instructor/Trainer
Prophetess Jacqueline Strawder-Perrera, Prophetic Teacher/Overseer Hallelujah Praise Ministries, Inc. 
(“The Church without Walls”) and unto the LORD’s Remnant the Body of Christ

The time is at hand now my daughter that my Spirit shall be poured out like rain and even the latter rain.  And showers of blessings shall flow down upon the earth as the dew upon blades of grass; and a sweet smell holy as the fragrance of my love that shall be poured down upon my people, “My Chosen!”

You are amongst the ones that shall arise with my Spirit and do great and mighty things in the earth as did my servant Elijah the Prophet.  I shall pour out of my Spirit the spark of life that will ignite the flame of eternal life. 

Rejoice O’ Daughter of Zion for the LORD shall establish His people—His “Chosen and Remnant” in the land.  He shall gather the remnant together and anoint them afresh with the great outpouring of His Spirit, says the LORD God of Hosts.  He shall set aflame the love of His heart with raindrops of fire that purify the longing soul.  He will purge out the draught and purify seven times the souls of His people to strengthen them and equip them to stand and be holy as He is holy.  For the righteous seed shall grow up and declare with boldness what “thus says the LORD”. 

They shall perform exploits and miracles; and signs and wonders shall follow them as they proclaim, and explain “My Word.”  They shall be strengthened with might in the inner man.  They shall shine like jewels.  They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover, they shall cast out devils, they shall speak life and not death and those who are sick and afflicted shall be delivered from “spirits of infirmities,” says the LORD. 

For I shall be with them to perform the council of my will in the earth in designated places to show forth my strong arm of righteousness and to declare my mighty acts in the land unto the children of men; and my sought out shall inherit the earth

O’ Beloved Daughter’s, and my royal diadems rejoice and are glad for such a time as this.  For I shall use you to my glory, says the LORD.  And you shall perform my desires upon the earth.  You shall be my intercessors and the conduit of my hands and shall perform great acts of faith.  That man shall marvel at my greatness, and bow to my glorious name.  They shall repent of their sins that I may forgive them and heal them! 

For my servants, the prophets shall prophesy!  They shall write, they shall see visions and dream dreams, they shall proclaim and explain, they shall comfort them that mourn, and they shall encourage and teach men the ways of the LORD.

I shall send them to minister love and kindness; but even so they shall warn of the pending judgments from my word that shall find those who continue on in their sin and disobedience to my commandments say the LORD.

I shall bless you; and your house with an abundance of peace and love; and prosperity in this “season of now,” says the LORD GOD Almighty who is able to perform this.   Amen…and it shall be so!  #

Written by:
--Min. Devon Wilford-Said

© August 2015-June 21 All Rights Reserved